Universo Quimera proposes creation as a space of shelter and urgency, a moment of refuge in a fragile trench, seeking resistance and perhaps a utopia of a state of limbo to protect and cherish. In the project such ideas are explored through the sculptural installation, in a site-specific work within the exhibition.
In recent years, in the face of the changes that are happening to us daily at a dizzying pace, we have come to understand that the temporal idea of circular time has changed and that we are increasingly living in a spiral time, capable of taking us to other possible places, perhaps to start from zero towards what can be projected. The only possible space in the present and the near future will be that of change, transformation and preserving part of what is left for what is to come; giving life to the new and creating again, leaving behind the copy of the copy and the culture of fear in which we have been. In our daily lives, the trauma of the past and the limbo of uncertainty, the mistrust of the other, the state of permanent violence and insecurity, and the feeling of loss of will in the face of a collapsing system are some of the symptoms of today’s society of fatigue (Byung-Chul Han), which daily reveals the effects of a corrupt, disaffected, extremely extractive and insensitive capitalist world. Amid this complex fabric, seeking reinvention from a state of imminent fragility, it’s urgent to ask: how to protect ourselves and build shelter from ruin? What to rescue and treasure from the existing shipwreck? How can we shelter and protect ourselves to provide a truce and respite before re-founding?

Site-specific sculpture installation.
Diorama, organic and inorganic wastes [stones, dirt, leaves, branches, plastic, cardboard, barbed wire].
Universo Quimera raises the idea of urgently protecting ourselves in a state of fragility, and at the same time it’s a metaphor for the state in which we found ourselves a few years ago, both collectively and individually, a state of transition: a counter-reaction to the space of uncertain truce that the pandemic lockdown proposed to us. Universo Quimera converges and tensions the ideas of bunker/shelter and faith/utopia within an own limbo to be shared, created from the lack of a stable and safe home that I experienced as an artist for three years because of the political/social/economic collapse and crisis in Chile and worldwide.

The work constitutes the group exhibition No midas tus palabras… mide la humedad de la piel de tu intestino, curatedby Fernanda Acosta at La Albercada [Cuernavaca, Mexico] and at the Feria Clavo Movimiento 3 [Mexico City, Mexico] in 2022.